Personal Training
An introduction to fitness, equipment, and sadism.
If the gym was simple, I wouldn't have a job.
- Buddah
1-1 PT is the way to go if you're a visual learner or absolutely brand new. Nothing beats learning from someone in person. In the begining stages that is what exercise is! learning how to do the things, then adding weights, reps or variety to those things as you become more confident. ​ ​
It's commonly thought that the only benefit of PT is the programming I give you, this isn't the case! You could do some heavy googling and come up with a useable program by yourself. In the same way, you could learn how to dance online via tutorials, but you'll get there quicker and more confidently with a teacher. That's where my value lies. The biggest part of my job is teaching you the basics of how to move, building your confidence and keeping you accountable. ​You don't need to know exactly which muscles are working during a squat, but you do need to know if it feels right or wrong and how sore your butt should be. By the time our sessions together end, I want you to feel confident doing these things alone.
What do you get?
I'm here to keep you on track, we do that by meeting weekly, reviewing regularly and finding out what works best for you.
Your goals, injuries, experience and preferences are unique to you, and so is your program.
Once you understand the basics of moving well, you'll be able to apply this to almost all exercise going forwards. Keeping you injury free well after our sessions end.

What'll it cost?
60 minutes
This is your chance for a glorious hour of 1-1 fun. For most people I suggest splitting this into 30 minute sessions twice per week. Shorter sessions more frequently makes much more sense.
For you if:
You're brand new to the gym and your body isn't adapted to exercise.
Cost or time are an issue
You wanna get in, get the job done, leave.
This time block can be split into 2 sessions of 45 mins long or 3 sessions of 30 mins. The choices are endless!*
For you if:
You want fitness but have 0 accountability.
You're happy for me to take the reigns fully. Be here. Do this. No thinky needed.
Your goal includes rehabbing an injury. (these often need more warm up love)
(*Clearly a lie, you only have 2.)
90 minutes
If you're confident in the gym, don't need no (wo)man, and just want to be told what to do, then all you need is a program right?
Honestly my value isn't in what I tell you to do. It's HOW you do it and that's hard to do from a distance. But times is a changin' and big F@T online PT is coming. Keen? Click here to register your interest and be a part of my guinea pig group.
Plan only?
How do I book?
The first step is simple, click below and book a 30 minute chat. We can do this via the phone or in person, just state your preference when you book. In your calendar appointment you'll have a link to a health and safety form. I ask that you fill this in prior to our appointment so I can get to know you better.